About Pathoindia

Pathoindia, Estd. 1999,  is the premier platform for pathologists (5000+) in India.. Our mission is to foster a collaborative environment where professionals can share knowledge, stay updated with the latest advancements, and contribute to the growth of pathology in India.

Since our inception, Pathoindia has been a cornerstone of the pathology community in India. We provide a space for pathologists to connect, discuss, and learn from each other. We strive to be the voice of pathologists in India, promoting excellence and innovation in the field.

Pathoindia is an easy way to keep in touch with all the pathologists in India and abroad. Pathoindia invites all pathologists and postgraduate students in India and across the world to join now and become a part of the virtual pathology community of India and the Indian subcontinent.

Membership is FREE. Join Today!

Founded on Feb 25th 1999 by Dr. John Marshall Johnson, MD., MHA (UNSW, Sydney), Virtual CEO.


Dr. John Marshall Johnson, MD, MHA
Bangalore | johnson@pathoindia.com

Dr. Arpan Gandhi, MD
Delhi | arpangandhi@gmail.com

Dr. Neha Dahiya, MD, MBA
Associate Professor, Dept. of Basic Medical Science
Univ. of Arizona College of Medicine – Phoenix, USA

Dr. Sujay Prasad, MD
Neuberg Anand, Bangalore

Dr. Sachin Kale, MD


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