Book Promotion

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Path Stories: Blood Tales on Hematology
Dr. Rajeswari Kathiah, Head of Pathology, AIIMS, Madurai.
Feb 2025

Path Stories: Blood Tales on Hematology, the first volume in a planned five-volume series by Dr. Rajeswari Kathiah. This innovative cartoon-based e-book is designed to make learning Pathology engaging, interactive, and visually appealing for MBBS and MD students.

Volume 1 – Blood Tales is a fun-filled compilation of cartoons on Hematology, making complex topics easy to grasp and enjoyable to learn. From red cell disorders and bleeding disorders to WBC disorders, each topic is presented with visually rich storytelling, high-yield explanations, and real-world clinical applications, ensuring effective and memorable learning.

Where to Get It?
Available for purchase on Amazon

Complimentary copy with the “Textbook of Pathology” by Dr. Rajeswari Kathiah on the MedEnact portal (Elsevier online portal)

Endorsed by Experts: This e-book has been endorsed by senior faculty, including Prof. Dr. V. Rajalakshmi and Prof. Dr. S. Rajendiran, for its revolutionary approach to pathology education.

Explore Sample Cartoons –

Get your copy today and be part of this exciting new way of learning Pathology!

Clinical cases in Pathology
by Dr Gunjan Bhatia
Feb 2025

Book includes 32 case based scenarios which are useful for undergraduate and postgraduate students of Pathology.

Buy at Flipkart


Dr. Shameem Shariff, MD, PhD
Formerly, Professor and Head,
Dept. of Pathology, MVJ Medical College and Research Hospital &
St. John’s Medical College,
Bengaluru, India


Dr. Shameem Shariff, MD, PhD
Formerly, Professor and Head,
Dept. of Pathology, MVJ Medical College and Research Hospital &
St. John’s Medical College,
Bengaluru, India

Previous years question papers for Superspeciality Pathology Examinations 2020
Dr. Ranjan Agrawal

The latest 2020 edition of the book “Previous years question papers for Superspeciality Pathology Examinations” is now available. This book is intended for all those preparing for the final MD, DM and DNB examinations. The book contains more than 12000 questions of last 20 years from nearly 50 reputed Universities / Colleges.

For orders contact directly:
Dr. Ranjan Agrawal
Mobile: 7060387009 / 9412291009

Manual of Histological Techniques
Dr. Santosh Kumar Mondal, MD

Associate Professor, Pathology
Publisher: JP(JayPee) Brothers

About the 2nd edition of book: This book is for doctors who are doing MD in Pathology, technologist of histological laboratories and consultants/specialists of Pathology.

In this second edition, six new chapters have been added. These chapters are: i) Bone marrow trephine biopsy, ii) Tru-cut biopsy or Core needle biopsy, iii) Microarrays and DNA sequencing, iv) Microdissection and different types of other PCR, v) Diagnostic use of immunohistochemistry in surgical pathology and vi) Quality control in Histopathology.

Besides, the previous chapter on Frozen Section has been fully revised and more practical information have been included, keeping in mind the problems faced by the users during cryostat/ frozen sections. Molecular diagnostic in Hereditary Diseases has been added in the Appendix in Tabular form (almost like a new chapter!) and hope it will be useful for different examinations as last minute revision.

Colour Atlas of female genital tract pathology
Pranab Dey

Publisher: Springer Nature

This book presents colored gross and microphotographs of histopathology sections of both common and uncommon tumors of the female genital tract, and also includes the immunohistochemistry of the important lesions. Further, it explains the salient diagnostic features and the immunocytochemistry, molecular pathology and differential diagnosis of each lesion with brief references and discusses recent advances in the diagnosis of these tumors. With numerous images offering guidance on diagnosing different lesions of the female genital tract, the book is intended for practicing pathologists and post-graduate students as well as for gynecology practitioners and post-graduate students.

Pathology Practicals

Publisher-: CBS Publication
Author-: Dr. Santosh Kumar Mondal, MBBS, MD, Associate Professor, Pathology

Salient Features of the Book:
– The book covers all Practicals in Pathology for 2nd professional MBBS students as per standard MCI curriculum for 2nd professional MBBS course.
Real mounted surgical specimens and their gross/macroscopic features will enhance the students understanding. The problem cards will help to build logical thinking among the medical students.
At the end of every chapter, viva voce related to that particular topic have been included that will help the medical students to face examiner during pathology practical examinations.
For easy understanding, many colour as well as black and white pictures/ microphotographs, flow charts, diagrams, and tables have been included.
Not only the MBBS (2nd Prof) students, but also the technicians (DMLT, BMLT), DCP and MD (Pathology) students will be benefited.
The teachers/tutors/demonstrators who take practical classes in pathology will find the book useful as the book will make them confident during practical classes.

Basic and Advanced Laboratory Techniques in Histopathology and Cytology

Author: Pranab Dey
Publisher: Springer Nature
Book link:

This book provides detailed information on basic and advanced laboratory techniques in histopathology and cytology. It discusses the principles of and offers clear guidance on all routine and special laboratory techniques. In addition, it covers various advanced laboratory techniques, such as immunocytochemistry, flow cytometry, liquid based cytology, polymerase chain reaction, tissue microarray, and molecular technology. Further, the book includes numerous color illustrations, tables and boxes to familiarize the reader with the work of a pathology laboratory.

The book is mainly intended for postgraduate students and fellows in pathology as well as practicing pathologists. The book is also relevant for all the laboratory technicians and students of laboratory technology.

Essentials of Diagnostic Surgical Neuropathology

Essentials of Diagnostic Surgical Neuropathology is the first book on Neuropathology in India that covers the vast subject of Surgical Neuropathology in a concise, point-wise format that makes reading and recapitulation easy. The main emphasis of this book is on neoplastic pathology, given the revolutionary changes which have occurred in the understanding of CNS tumors. In addition, the book also explains the pathology of non-neoplastic lesions that need surgical intervention.Since ancillary techniques are a very important component of diagnosis and of the final integrated pathology report, the book also includes immunohistochemistry and molecular diagnosis especially in the brain tumor section.

The editors Chitra Sarkar, Vani Santosh, and Geeta Chackoare are eminent Neuropathologists at the forefront of diagnosis, teaching and research in pathology and molecular biology of diseases of the nervous system. In addition, the contributors to this book include more than 25 experts in the field of Neuropathology from leading institutes across the country, making it a valuable resource for clinicians, pathologists, students and scientists.

The list price of the book is INR 2995/-. Interested buyers can place their orders on the Publishers website and get 30% discount to all customers and free shipping across India.

Website –

The book is available for purchase on Amazon –

Diagnostic Cytology (Second Edition)

Author: Pranab Dey, MBBS, MD, MIAC, FRCPath
Publisher: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers
Year: 2018

Basic information: This is a complete updated book on clinical cytology that contains all the recent information in the field of cytology. This is a simple, concise and illustrative book. There are large number of tables, boxes, line diagrams and microphotographs in this book. All the important information is specially highlighted in small boxes. In addition, there are many multiple choice questions and real cases with microphotographs for self-assessment.

What does the book aim to cover: The book covers 1) the general cytology with all recent advances, 2) exfoliative cytology with special emphasis on cervical cytology, 3) routine laboratory techniques and advanced techniques in cytology including quality control, 4) details of fine needle aspiration cytology with good illustrations.

Handbook on Cervical Cytology: Special Emphasis on Liquid-based Cytology

Author: Pranab Dey, MD, MIAC, FRCPath
Publishers: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers

Quick Overview:
This is a concise practical handbook on cervical cytology. Here the author has discussed the salient diagnostic features of different cervical lesions on cytology smear. There are large number of microphotographs in this book to facilitate the recognition of the lesions. Author has given special emphasis on cytomorphology in liquid based cytology. Differential diagnosis and management of the lesions have also been discussed in detail. This book will be very helpful to interpret the cervical smears by Bethesda System particularly in liquid based preparation.

Atlas and Text of Hematology (Fourth edition, Two volumes)

Author: Dr. Tejindar Singh
Publishers: Avichal Publishing Company

The book is thoroughly illustrated with tables, flow charts, graphs and karyograms of various hematologic disorders. Quality photographs of blood film, bone marrow aspirate, bone marrow trephine biopsy, immunohistochemistry and flow cytometric analysis which form the basis of diagnosis of hematologic diseases have been incorporated in each chapter.

The revised WHO classification of Haematopoietic and Lymphoid neoplasms (2016-17) forms the cornerstone of several chapters on hematologic neoplasms. The chapters on acute leukemias, lympho and myeloproliferative neoplasms and myelodysplastic syndromes have been thoroughly updated. Newer entities, new diagnostic criteria and significance of genetic events have been included to define and understand the disease. The diagnostic and response criteria of multiple myeloma as per IMWG (2014) have been included. Histiocytic society proposed new classification (2016) of histiocytic disorders and that forms the basis of the chapter.

Pathology of opportunistic infections – an Illustrative Atlas

Published by Springer. It contains about 350 high quality photographs from about 125 well worked up real life clinical cases under divers clinical settings involving different tissues and organs. This is a very useful book on emerging expertise in tissue diagnosis of opportunistic pathogens encountered in score of patients under various immunocompromised clinical settings. By going through this book you can benefit your patients with proper diagnostic approach to such infections. You can order a copy for yourself, your hospital or your medical college library. It is also available online at amazon and and all the leading web platforms through out world.

Prof R K Gupta
Dr.Pallav Gupta

Essentials of Gynecologic Pathology
Pranab Dey, MD, MIAC, FRCPath

Publishers: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers

Quick Overview: Gynecological pathology is a major component of histopathology. It is essential to have practical knowledge in this subject. In this book author has discussed various lesions in Gynecology and Obstetrics. The etiology, clinical features, macroscopy, histopathology, immunohistochemistry, molecular pathology and treatment of gynecological lesions have been discussed. Multiple tables, boxes and microscopical figures have been provided to illustrate the lesions.

Case Based Approach in Exfoliative Cytology
Pranab Dey, MD, MIAC, FRCPath

Publishers: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers

Quick Overview: This book covers many classical and interesting cases of exfoliative cytology. The book is written in the form of multiple choice questions (MCQs); and, therefore, it will help the students and the cytology practitioners to learn and self-evaluate. In each case author had discussed the diagnostic points and differential diagnosis along with salient immunocytochemistry.

Liver Biopsy Made Easy

Jaypee Brothers

About the book: Released during APCON 2016.
The first edition of Liver Biopsy Made Easy creates a user-friendly, hands-on guide for the reporting of liver biopsies. It includes topics that cover Normal Liver; Important aspects of Liver Biopsy and pediatric liver diseases; cirrhosis and transplant pathology over 26 chapters. At the end of each chapter, the section entitled “Liver Biopsy Sign out” and “Pointsto remember” helps guide the user to the key information provided in chapter and will aid practising pathologist in signing out terminologies. The book also features a glossary of interesting liver cases.

Dr Nalini Bansal Gupta
Senior Histopathologist
SRL Ltd, Fortis Escorts Heart Institute, Okhla

Manual of Histological Techniques

Dr. Santosh Kumar Mondal
Associate Professor, Pathology, Bankura Sammilani Medical College, Bankura, WB
Publisher: JP Brothers

Salient features of the book:
– This is a short and concise manual of different histological techniques and histological stains.
– Apart from conventional histological techniques, this manual also includes modern histological techniques like immunohistochemistry, cell block, immunofluorescence, in situ hybridization, FISH and molecular diagnostic procedures.
– This book has been written in a simple and lucid language for better understanding by the students.
– This manual will be useful for students of MD (Pathology), DCP (diploma in clinical pathology), B Sc, BMLT & DMLT technicians as well as specialist/consultants, technicians and others working in a histological laboratory.

Principles and Interpretation of Laboratory Practices in Surgical Pathology

Author: Shameem Shariff, MD PhD
Co-author: Amrit Kaur Kaler, MD

The book deals in detail about the laboratory procedures, essential for diagnostic services as well as research purposes. It covers the outline routine and special staining procedures used in histopathology, anatomy and microbiology laboratories and is comprehensive with outlines of principles, methodology and trouble shooting. It can be used for laboratory technicians, post graduates and surgical pathologists as well as anatomists, microbiologists and allied sciences.

Previous years Question Papers for Postgraduate and Super Speciality Pathology Examinations

Prof. Ranjan Agrawal, MD, FICPath
Department of Pathology
Rohilkhand Medical College & Hospital
Bareilly (U.P.)

Case Based Approach in Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology

Pranab Dey, MD, MIAC, FRCPath
Professor of Cytology
Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh

Key features:
In this book 250 real cases of fine needle aspiration cytology have been presented to cover all the systems. Essential clinical history and multiple microphotographs have been provided with every case. The reason of diagnosis of each case and differential diagnosis are discussed at the end of each chapter. Further source of reading is also provided after each case. The book is an excellent source of learning cytology as it deals both classical and also difficult cases. It can also be used for self-evaluation as the whole approach is question and answer based. This is an essential book for the learners to learn cytology and also for the experts to enjoy fun in diagnosing interesting cases of cytology.

Other Information:
Edition: 1st
Year: 2016
Publisher: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd

Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology: Interpretation and Diagnostic Difficulties
2nd Edition

Pranab Dey, MBBS, MD, MIAC, FRCPath

Key features of the book:
In this book the author has described the characteristic diagnostic features and differential diagnosis of various lesions on fine needle aspiration cytology. The detailed cytology, immunocytochemistry and molecular genetics of all the lesions have also been discussed. This book contains all the recent information in the field of cytology. This is a simple, concise and illustrative book. There are a large number of tables, boxes, and microphotographs in every chapter. The review section of the book (case studies) is helpful for self-assessment. This is a complete book on fine needle aspiration cytology and will be very helpful to all the students, practicing cytologists and pathology residents.

Other information:
Publisher: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers
ISBN 9789351520000
Edition 2/e
Publish Year 2015

Viva Voce in Pathology” for Under Graduate Students

Authors: Dr. Gauravi Dhruva, Dr. Amit Agravat, Dr. Krupal Pujara
CBS Publishers, New Delhi

The salient features of the book are as under:
– Book is having utmost useful topics of pathology useful for all fields of medicine, undergraduate and post graduate students of pathology, dental students, medical laboratory technology courses students, physiotherapy students, nursing students, homeopathy students and private laboratory practioners.
– The entire book is question-answer based which helps in self assessment and self solving of all individual queries.
– The language is simple and lucid which makes it user friendly as well as very easy to remember.
– The book covers all basic areas of pathology like clinical pathology, hematology, blood banking, histopathology and advances in pathology as well as all important general and systemic pathology theory in question and answer format.
– The figures and illustrations which facilitates better understanding.
– The book has entire set of question-answers frequently asked during practical and theory pathology exams, which helps in getting meritorious marks in the subject.

For more info visit:

PATHOLOGY MCQs: Answered with comprehensive text
Dr. Ranjan Agrawal

This book is useful for MBBS as well as those who are about to go for PG entrance examinations.

PATHOLOGY REVIEW, a very useful guide for the undergraduate medical students, PG entrance aspirants, Pathology PG students and Paramedical Students. It is released in April 2012 by the PARAS Publications, Hyderabad.

Key features of Pathology Notes:
Point-wise syllabus: Useful for rapid revision during peak hours
Highlighting points are underlined/ bolded: Helpful to answer MCQs.
Questions expected: Are given at the beginning of each chapter
MCQs at the end of each chapter: Helpful for self assessment
Practical Pathology: Classical gross and microscopy pictures are given
Covered Recent advances in Pathology
Included Clinical Pathology and blood banking

The language is simple and lucid which makes the book student friendly. An essential guide for preclinical students to prepare for examinations, to candidates preparing for postgraduate entrance examination, to teaching faculty to prepare power-points and also to paramedical students.

I also request you to recommend the same for your medical students, para-medical students, doctors and colleagues.

Please visit:

With Warm Regards,
Dr. Sinhasan. S.P,
MBBS, MD, DNB (Pathology), MNAMS
Associate Professor, Dept. of Pathology
Indira Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute (IGMC & RI).
Puducherry- 605 009
(Pondicherry). INDIA.
Phone:+91 9442551998, 09448061975

Handbook of Quality Assurance in Laboratory Medicine

Author: Dr. Shubhangi Tambweker
BI Publications Pvt Ltd. Jan-2009

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