Interesting Cases

Case 1

54 y Female; Nodule on the tip of the Nose 1 cm X 0.8 cms

Benign Skin Adnexal Tumor
Follicular Derived
Skin Nonmelanocytic Tumor

Dr R.G. Wiseman Pinto
Prof of Pathology
Former HOD and Former Dean Goa University
Former Executive Council .Academic Council ,Court and Chairman BOS Paraclinical GU
President Asian Society of Cytopathology

Pics by
Dr Amala Kudchadkar
Dept of Pathology, GMC

Trichoepithelioma / Trichoblastoma
Benign Skin Adnexal Tumors
Recapitulates features of Germinative hair bulb epithelium and associated mesenchymal stroma

Was called Trichogenic tumor
Solitary Giant Trichoepithelioma Or

Occurs on the face ,scalp ,Head and Neck, trunk ,extremities and genital areas

Good prognosis
Treatment is Surgical excision ,All the
Margins are free in this tumor

Differential Diagnosis : Basal Cell Carcinoma

Can be associated with Brooke Spiegler Syndrome and multiple familial Trichoepitheliomas
(CYLD Mutation)

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