Dr. Shameem Shariff
Dr. Shameem Shariff, MD, PhD
Formerly, Professor and Head,
Dept. of Pathology, MVJ Medical College and Research Hospital &
St. John’s Medical College,
Bengaluru, India
Quote : Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it. Charles R Swindoll
A 40 year old male with thyroid gland enlargement, more prominent on the right side. 2 figs are shown, make you diagnosis.
Fig 1 H and E x 100
Fig 2 : H and E x 400
Ans to previous : (December 2024)
SEGA ie., Subependymal giant cell astrocytoma.
Aspirate from a single nodule in the left lobe of thyroid gland, measuring 3.2 cms in size. Make you diagnosis .
What are the close differentials in a follicular lesion? How are they differentiated at cytology?
Ans to previous (December 2024):
• Inflammatory smear with parabasal and intermediate cells with atypical dense nuclei, with perinuclear halo.
• No typical koilocyte: ASC-US (LSIL?)
What stain would you use to detect the presence of iron in the bone marrow? What is its principle?
How is the grading on the presence of iron done?
Ans to previous (December 2024):
Formalin fixation
1. Place the specimen in a spacious container ( labelled with patient ID and specimen type) with fixative, ensuring that the specimen is fully submerged.
2. Section the specimen across if necessary to ensure better fixation.
3. Use a fixative-to-specimen ratio of at least 10 to 20 :1 to ensure thorough
penetration .
4. Fixation time : for small specimens 8-12 hours and for larger specimens 24 hours at least.
5. Preparation of 10% formalin : to 10 ml of commercial formalin (40%) add 90 ml of distilled water.
In order to diagnose active infection of hepatitis B it is essential to demonstrate the presence of :
A. Hepatitis B surface antigen
B. Hepatitis B surface antibody
C. Hepatitis B core antigen
D. Increased ALT and AST
Ans to previous (December 2024)
D ie., all of the above
Quote : The bad news is that time flies. The good news is that you are the pilot! Michael Altshuler
A 17 year old male patient presented with a mass lesion in the Foramen of Munro; and increased intracranial tension.
Radiological impression was “colloid cyst”.
Two images are given . Make your diagnosis.
Fig 1 H and E x 100
Fig 2 : H and E x 100
Ans to previous : (November 2024)
Adenocarcinoma lower lip, Glandular pattern +ve; Vacuolated cells with intracellular secretions .
Fig above shows result of PAS stain with magenta stained intracellular secretions. The carcinoma probably arose from the minor salivary glands in the lower lip.
Pap stain x 20x
Guess the cell type; give your impression.
Ans to previous (November 2024):
Fungal filaments consistent with Mucormycosis. Hyphae are broad and non septate , no branching seen to suggest aspergillus filaments.
State the pre-requisites for formalin fixation.
Ans to previous (November 2024):
1. Microscopic examination of a drop of secretions.
2. KOH preparation: 20% KOH solution can be used on many types of samples, including skin scrapings, hair, cervical secretions & sputum.
3. Calcofluor white stain: this binds to fungal elements in a sample and fluoresces under UV light, making them visible the slide.
Tuberous Sclerosis is –
A. is an uncommon genetic disorder that causes tumours to develop in many parts of the body
B. Associated with seizures
C. Mutations in either the TSC1 or the TSC2 gene.
D. All of the above
Ans to previous (November 2024)
Ans is : b
Quote : We may encounter many defeats, but we must not be defeated. Maya Angelou
A red ulcerated lesion on the lower lip of a 68 year old female. 2 figs , LP and HP are given below. Make your diagnosis. What histo chemical stain would you do to clinch the diagnosis?
From where is this carcinoma arising?
Fig 1 : (LP)
Fig 2 : (HP)
Ans to previous : (October 2024)
Renal Cell carcinoma -clear cell type.
The 2 factors at gross with a poor prognosis are the size of tumour ie 12 cms and the presence of necrosis. Presence of necrosis is considered an independent prognostic factor. The grade of tumour in the figs shown was given as 2 and stage was T2.
Grading of RCC :
A modified grading system for renal cell carcinoma (RCC) that incorporates tumor necrosis is as follows:
• Grade 1: ISUP grade 1 and non-necrotic ISUP grade 2
• Grade 2: Necrotic ISUP grade 2 and non-necrotic ISUP grade 3
• Grade 3: Necrotic ISUP grade 3 and non-necrotic nonsarcomatoid/rhabdoid ISUP grade 4
• Grade 4: Necrotic ISUP grade 4 and sarcomoatid/rhabdoid features
Tumor necrosis is an independent predictor of adverse outcome in RCC. This modified grading system outperforms the ISUP grading system and shows significant differences in survival between each grade.
Staging of RCC:
A 52 year old male was clinically diagnosed with a space-occupying lesion in the left parietal lobe of brain. Squash and other smears were made .3 images are shown, make you diagnosis and why?
Ans to previous (October 2024):
It shows small cuboidal cells arranged in a tubular fashion . Cells appear bland, and resemble embryonic cell nests of kidney. A possibility of metanephric adenoma was given on the aspirate with a note to excise the same as a papillary carcinoma of the kidney cannot be excluded. Histology showed a benign metanephric adenoma. Patient was followed up for 5 years (then lost to follow up) and did well. Calcification is a feature of this tumour.
Name 2 methods of demonstrating fungi in secretions.
Ans to previous (October 2024):
a) Renal biopsies for staining of antibodies such as IgG, IgM, IGA, fibrin etc b) Detection of auromine labelled acid fast bacilli.c) Antinuclear antibodies detection in SLE and other autoimmune disorders; ANCA antibodies. d) Salt split immunofluorescence technique to differentiate pemphigus from epidermolysis bullosa acquisita e) In the detections of specific antigens, proteins, viruses, parasitic infections etc .f) Antinuclear antibodies detection in SLE and other autoimmune disorders; ANCA antibodies g) FISH to detect specific DNA segments h) Auto fluroscence in detection of formalin pigment and red fluorescence over green in neoplastic cancerous tissue.
The minimum distance between the tissue and the walls of the Mold while embedding should be
a. 1mm
b. 2mm
c. 3mm
d. 4mm
Ans to previous (October 2024)
Ans is :
b) von Hippal Lindau disease
Quote : I can’ t change the direction of the wind but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination. Jimmy Dean
A 54 year old female presented with a renal mass of 3 years duration. Mass was excised. Make you diagnosis on the figs 1 to 4 provided showing the gross and microscopy.
What factors seen here grossly depict a poor prognosis? Give the grading and staging of RCC.
Fig 1 : Resected kidney with mass
Fig 2 : Cut section, mass measured 12 cms.
Fig 3 : low power view of neoplasm at histology. H&E x100
Fig 4 : High power . H& E x 400
Ans to previous : (September 2024)
Malignant melanoma. Perl’s stain to exclude haemosiderin and Schmorl’s stain, stains the pigment blue-green. Immunohistochemical markers for melanocytic differentiation, such as melan A, MART-1 (melanoma antigen recognized by T cell 1), HMB 45 (human melanoma black 45) (all three show cytoplasmic positivity), and S-100 (nuclear positivity) are often positive in melanocytic tumors.
The pigment is normally found in melanocytes in the skin, substantia nigra and eye.
Ultrasound guided aspirate from a 2.5 cms mass in the upper pole of kidney in a 50 year male. Make you diagnosis or give the possibilities.
Ans to previous (September 2024):
Aspirate shows cells from malignant melanoma. The large intranuclear inclusion and clinical history of pigmented skin lesion lead to the possibility of melanoma at FNAC. Intranuclear inclusions may commonly be found in papillary carcinoma thyroid, RCC , etc. Confirmation is done by IHC marker on smear (melan A) or HMB 45 stain for the melanin pigment.
List the applications in diagnostic pathology where fluorescence is used as a prerequisite in the procedures.
Ans to previous (September 2024):
DOPA (deoxyphenylalanin) reaction is used in the diagnosis of amelanotic melanoma where pigment production is invisible grossly. It is a distinctive enzyme reaction and stains the invisible pigment of amelanotic melanoma, as the DOPA substrate is acted upon by DOPA-oxidase in the melanin-producing cells to produce a brownish black deposit. It differentiates undifferentiated carcinoma from amelanotic melanoma.
The common hereditary disorder associated with RCC is
a) Down syndrome
b) Von Hippel-Lindau disease
c) Klinefelter’s syndrome
d) Williams syndrome
Ans to previous (September 2024)
Ans is :
d) – All of the above.
Quote : It is never too late to be what you might have been – George Eliot
Make you diagnosis on the 3 figs given below (gross, low power & high power)
What special stains are done to clinch the origin of the pigment? Where is this pigment found in normal tissues?
Ans to previous : (August 2024)
The gross and microscopy (figs 1 to 4) show chronic non specific pyelo-nephritis with marked hydronephrosis. Note periglomerular fibrosis and dilated tubules.
Aspirate from a pigmented nodule on the face. Make your diagnosis. What leads you to it? What would confirm it in the smear (not shown here)?
Ans to previous (August 2024):
What is DOPA reaction?
How does it help in diagnosis?
Ans to previous (August 2024):
Technique Ans : Fig 1 shows nuclear positivity in a dilated benign duct of a breast lesion (Maybe carcinoma in the vicinity. Breast tissue in section acts as internal control). It shows nuclear positivity.
Immunohistochemistry is increasingly used in the assessment of markers for breast cancer prognosis. If the result is positive for estrogen or progesterone receptors, it means that the patient is ER or PR+ and will respond to hormone therapy.
The most common method used in grading this positivity is the H-score which takes into consideration the staining intensity in conjunction with the percentage of cells staining positively in breast carcinoma.
A common scoring system is the Allred Scoring System. A similar approach to Allred score is demonstrated in so-called “quick score” system, with the differences in assigned values from 1 to 6 in proportion category A (of positivity) ; (1 = 0-4%, 2 = 5-19%, 3 = 20-39%, 4 = 40-59%, 5 = 60-79%, 6 = 80-100%) and 3 categories for intensity of staining; also multiplication is recommended instead of addition (as in the Allred score) for processing of the final score range. ( Detre S, Saclani Jotti G, Dowsett M. A “quick score” method for immunohistochemical semi-quantitation: validation for oestrogen receptor in breast carcinomas. J Clin Pathol. 1995;48:876–878. doi: 10.1136/jcp.48.9.876.)
Fig 2 : The marker used is Her2 new done routinely in breast carcinoma. Shows a 3+ positivity in the membrane of tumour cells. It is on the membrane surface that this receptor is located and positivity is read on the membrane.
IHC results for HER2 are reported as 0, 1+, 2+, or 3+. A score of 0, 1+, means the tumor is HER2-negative. A score of 2+ means the results are unclear and another test is needed, such as FISH. A score of 3+ means the tumor is HER2-positive.
One in five breast carcinomas show excess Her2 new expression.
Melanin stains positively by –
A) Masson’s Fontana stain
b) Schmorl’s stain
c) Formaldehye – induced fluorescence
d) All of the above
Ans to previous (August 2024)
Ans is :
1. increased protein, increase in cells, specific gravity greater than 1.020
Quote : The secret of getting ahead is getting started. Mark Twain
Make you diagnosis on the figs 1-4 .
Fig 1Fig 2
Fig 3
Fig 4
Ans to previous : (JULY 2024)
Tru cut biopsy shows features consistent with a benign phylloides tumour.
Fig 1 : Section shows fragments of stromal elements. The lower 2 fragments are cellular but no pleomorphism of the stromal cells is seen. Fig 2 shows a closer view with epithelial cells and stromal elements both of which are bland.
Guided FNAC from a 1.9 cms nodule above the right kidney at MRI. Make your diagnosis.
Figs 1 and 2 : show FNAC appearances of the breast mass 5cms in size before a true cut biopsy was done. fig 1 shows a sheet of benign appearing ductal epithelial cells as well as stromal fragments and fig 2 a high power view of both elements; suggesting a bimodal patterned lesion favouring phylloides tumour.
Fig 1
Fig 2
What could be the markers used in the IHC staining in Fig 1 and 2 Where is the positivity seen. How is this positivity graded and what does it mean?
Ans to previous (JULY 2024):
ACS recommendations for detection of early breast cancer in women with ‘average risk’:
– Women between 40 and 44 have the option to start screening with a mammogram every year.
– Women 45 to 54 should get mammograms every year.
– Women 55 and older can switch to a mammogram every other year, or they can choose to continue yearly mammograms. Screening should continue as long as a woman is in good health and is expected to live at least 10 more years.
(All women should understand what to expect when getting a mammogram for breast cancer screening )– what the test can and cannot do. Clinical breast exams are not recommended for breast cancer screening among average-risk women at any age.
ACS recommendations for detection of early breast cancer in women with ‘high risk’: Women who are at high risk for breast cancer based on certain factors should get a breast MRI and a mammogram every year, typically starting at age 30. This includes women who:
– Have a lifetime risk of breast cancer of about 20% to 25% or greater, according to risk assessment tools that are based mainly on family history (see below)
– Have a known BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene mutation (based on having had genetic testing)
– Have a first-degree relative (parent, brother, sister, or child) with a BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene mutation, and have not had genetic testing themselves
– Had radiation therapy to the chest before they were 30 years old
– Have Li-Fraumeni syndrome, Cowden syndrome, or Bannayan-Riley-Ruvalcaba syndrome, or have first-degree relatives with one of these syndromes.
Choose the best answer:
Oedema in acute inflammation is characterised by :
1. Increased protein, increased in cells, specific gravity greater than 1.020
2. Decreased vascular permeability
3. Decreased proteins, specific gravity less than 1012
4. Decrease in oncotic pressure.
Ans to previous (JULY 2024)
The diagnostic categories of the National Cancer Institute recommendations and their corresponding numerical codes in breast FNAC reporting are: Inadequate/insufficient (C1); Benign (C2); Atypical – probably benign /indeterminate (C3); Suspicious of malignancy (C4) and Malignant (C5). The answer here is iii.